New Salem Methodist Church is an independent church in the Methodist Wesleyan tradition.
Sunday Worship
11:00 am
Sunday School
10:00 am
See our calendar
for other opportunities.
We are a church that has as its mission “to joyfully receive the forgiveness and transforming power that God’s grace offers through faith in Jesus Christ and to lovingly pass it on to others.”
Our goal is to help people become disciples of Christ who will take His message to the world. By this, many will come to know, love, and glorify the one true God and rejoice forever in His presence.
All who love Christ our Lord, who earnestly repent of their sins and seek to live in peace with one another are welcome at the Lord’s Table.
It is our charge, duty, and responsibility to make and develop disciples for Jesus Christ. The church understands that this comes through Worship, Education, Fellowship, and Mission.
Our Worship time is 11 am each Sunday morning with special worship services during Advent/Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, and Easter. Worship follows the seasonal lessons for the church. Also, there are lay-led Children’s Sermons and Children’s Church from 11:30 until noon.
Our Education is a full range of Sunday School at 10 am each Sunday (nursery through adult)
Children in 5th grade and under are what we call King’s Kids meeting for food, fellowship, and lessons each Sunday from 5:00-6:00 p.m.
The youth group meets each Sunday at 5:00 p.m.
A Men’s Bible Study meets each Monday at 6:30 p.m and a Ladies’ Prayer Group also meets each Monday at 6:30 p.m.
Our worship music can be summarized as Sacred Harp/Shaped Notes, Southern Gospel, Bluegrass Gospel, and High Traditional Hymns.
MISSION is primarily local and involves:
A women’s jail ministry
Monthly Seniors’ lunch on the first Wednesday of the month
New Salem Methodist Women have a 3-day indoor yard sale the proceeds from which go to sponsor several ministries like A Hand Up, Hope House, Camp Lookout scholarships, and others.
There is a Men’s Mission called Man Up which does service projects like yard clean up for the elderly and the building of handicap ramps. They also meet twice per month for Bible Study and Fellowship.
There is a community Christmas Eve party hosted by the church. Also, the church and women along with the New Salem Baptist provide Christmas gifts for those in need. The church operates a Food Booth at the yearly New Salem Mountain Festival and works closely with the New Salem Community in other service projects.
The church holds an annual All Day Singing in August each year, a tradition that is over 100 years old.
New Salem Methodist is proud to partner with New Salem Baptist in an Easter Sunrise Service and Breakfast each year.
Disciple-making in Worship, Education, Fellowship, and Mission….that’s the kind of church New Salem Methodist is.
So why not visit us? We would love nothing more than to welcome you into our community and journey with you as we grow in our faith together. We look forward to seeing you soon!
To learn more about our church and what we stand for, we invite you to explore this website, watch videos of our worship services, explore our Facebook page, and contact us if you have any questions. The website should provide information about our mission, beliefs, and various programs and events. Our hope is that by getting to know us a little better, you’ll feel inspired to join us in person at our wonderful church on Lookout Mountain.
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
-Matthew 18:20